
Information is a crucial requirement in the fight for human rights. Being it in the production and dissemination of information about the struggles and disputes that block human rights defenders or to denounce the rights that are being violated. In addition, access to information about the State’s actions in relation to the violation of rights is also fundamental in order to charge him for these situations and demand effective measures to guarantee the end of these violations.

In this sense, freedom of expression and access to information are important tools of social transformation and individuals and / or groups that exercise these rights act as human rights defenders directly and indirectly. And precisely because of this, communicators and communicators suffer constant violations in an attempt to silence them so that this information does not come to the knowledge of society and public debate.

Violations of communicators and communicators reach not only individuals who have been violated, but also have a collective dimension, since they seek to deprive society of information about issues of extreme public relevance.